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What do we do?

       We offer youth camps, children's camps, family and parent retreats, discipleship events and mission trips for children, youth and families affiliated with the US Military. We work in the United States but with a special emphasis on those stationed abroad, where opportunities for specialized Christian ministry are very few. We are know worldwide for our dynamic out-of-school-time camps and retreats for teenagers whose parents are active duty. We also offer training and curriculum for current and emerging children and youth leaders who serve military school-age students. Our goal is to ensure that students have an opportunity to know who Jesus is, experience the reality of a relationship with Him, be Biblically literate and discipled to enjoy life-long service for the Kingdom of God with clean hands, pure hearts and lives free from the idolatry of the youth culture of today. (Psalm 24:6)


      To minister to military parents, JG provides occasional Parent Camps (1-2 day fun, interactive and encouraging training for Christian parents) as well as Family Camp (which provides a "camp like" environment with activities for children and youth at the same time as their parents are enjoying the practical parent training. 


       We are not underwritten by any organization or group of people. We receive support from FOI as funds become available, but this is less than 5% of our total operating budget. The remainder must be raised through our faithful and growing base of donors. Financial support helps offset the expense of the events to make them affordable for all families; subsidizes bus transportation and train or airfare so that youth from all military bases can attend (regardless of distance); provides financial aid to families with multiple youth attending or financial hardship; provides travel expense reimbursement for the directors and volunteer staff; provides training events and resources & curriculum for churches, volunteers and youth ministries; provides discipleship materials for youth; and much more! Please pray about how you can assist, by volunteering to serve (typically as a mission trip) at any of our events in Europe or Japan and/or by giving to this vital and life-impacting work!

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