Mission Statement
The mission of Jacob's Generation is to serve the children and youth of our nations Armed Forces wherever their parents duties take them, throughout the United States and the world, building the Body of Christ through age-appropriate and meaningful ministry opportunities for both the student and the entire military family.
How the Mission is fulfilled:
As a faith-based (Christian) organization, we strive to reflect and honor God in every aspect of our work. However, we do not discriminate against or deny services to any student or their family, regardless of their background or beliefs.
It is our aim to "support our troops" by supporting their families. This is accomplished through events (camps, retreats) but also through mentoring, building a postive peer environment for youth, and providing resources to volunteers, parents, pastors, and the students to help them cope with the stresses of military life. Utilizing a vast network of volunteers, community leaders, parents and churches, our services are based within the military communities where these families live and work worldwide.
Jacob's Generation is the Children, Youth & Families Department of Freedom Outreach International, a ministry to the military.
P.O. Box 5438, Cleveland, TN 37320-5438 // JacobsGen@gmail.com // © All Rights Reserved